To determine if your insurance covers counseling, it is best to call your insurance company. Usually on the back of your insurance card is a number for Mental Health and Substance Abuse. When you call this number, ask what coverage you have for individual outpatient counseling. Do you have out-of-network coverage? Do you have a deductible that needs to be met first? How much is that deductible? What will your co-pay cost be? How many counseling sessions are you allowed? Some insurance companies will pay a portion of the counseling fee for out-of-network providers, but the deductible and copay costs may be higher.
Some people choose not to use their insurance because it requires me to submit a claim to your insurance with a diagnosis. They feel more comfortable maintaining maximum privacy regarding their counseling experience.
I am in network with the following insurance companies:
- Tricare
- Humana
- Humana Military
- Cigna